There’s more to creating a Zen environment at home than scented candles and Feng Shui.
Natural indoor plants are a great way to create a relaxed atmosphere. Research has proven that pot plants help reduce stress and assist people with feeling more present.
So if you have days where you’re doing, or feeling, a little too much (which, let’s face it, we all do) – perhaps the humble potted plant is the answer to relieving some tension and restoring the calm.
We’ve selected a few stress-reducing plants that won’t let you down – and that WILL stay alive. So whether you’re a green thumb or not, these little guys will help you find your inner Zen.

While it’s not exactly reflective of its name, this beautiful bonsai-like baby has a myriad of benefits – it’s healthy, air-purifying, and room-brightening. Inhale. Exhale. Can you feel the difference?
Oh, and it’s also among the easiest indoor plants to maintain. Major bonus.
They say the bamboo plant brings you peace from just looking at it. Called the ‘lucky bamboo tree for a reason, this beautiful creation is mother nature’s way of keeping your home a tranquil sanctuary. This green goddess doesn’t need much water or light, perfect for your busy schedule.

Cacti are among the easiest plants around to maintain – it doesn’t take much at all for them to thrive. Whether you opt for tall cacti or miniature ones along the window, these lovely little natives will chill you out while looking cooler than a Cali sunset.

You know what’s really cool about air plants? They don’t actually require any soil. They’re so versatile you can hang them up on the walls, hang them down like a chandelier, or even pot them in a bulb terrarium. Studies have shown that humans feel more relaxed when surrounded by nature, and air plants are a won