Sugar Notes

Why Sugar Notes

Life is about connecting to people in a real way so let's spread the love.

Sugar Notes are personal messages from our Co-Founders, Donda Mullis & Ronnie Shugar, to spread positive thoughts about life and real beauty to inspire kindness, understanding, and self-confidence.

You'll find a Sugar Note on every product to remind you how unique and magnificent you are.

These are some of Ronnie & Donda's Favorites Sugar Notes to start the day:

· Fall in love with taking care of yourself. Mind, body and soul. ·

· Treat yourself with love. ·

· You are perfect. A thousand times perfect. ·

 · Be fearlessly you. Let your truest self shine. ·

· You are a special kind of magic. ·

· Be your own kind of beautiful. ·

Roonie Shugar & Donda Mullis Signature
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