Leaves changing color and temperatures dropping mean that fall is ushering in. With the seasons changing, we’re sharing a few tips to transition to colder days.

Clean - Spring isn’t the only time for cleaning. We’re fans of taking inventory of your possessions and clearing out unwanted items a few times a year. With this done, cleaning those hard to reach corners becomes easier. Don’t forget that cleaning also helps prep for the cold and flu months! While you’re at it, don’t forget to stock up hand wash too, because clean hands are just as important!
Watch fall content - Get cozy and rewatch fall classics. We like When Harry Met Sally, Gilmore Girls, Hocus Pocus, Remember the Titans, and Fantastic Mr. Fox.
- Spend time outside - Before the sun sets in the late afternoon and the weather is too cold to walk around, we recommend making the most of fall. Jump in piles of leaves, hike in the fresh air, or just sit outside with a cup of coffee or hot cocoa.
- Moisturize - Prepare your skin for the cooler months by starting off strong. Make sure to drink a lot of water and tea! Stock up on body butter and lotion to ward off dry skin.
- Be kind to yourself - As we gear up for the stress of the holidays, remember to take it easy. Carve out time to journal, breathe, and relax.