7 Reasons to Kick-Start your Day with Lemon Water

Posted By Raw Sugar on July 08, 2017

Incredible things start to happen when you add a morning lemon water to your diet. Your skin starts to glow. You add vitamins to your diet. And like magic, you can even feel more energized and uplifted than you did before. But that’s just the beginning.

lemon slices

Squeezing the juices of a fresh lemon into a glass of warm water in the AM helps jump-start your digestion, and with that come a multitude of benefits. Lemons are jam-packed with nutrients, from Vitamin C and B-complex vitamins to calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium (even more than apples!) and fiber.

To get the most of this sunshine-sprinkled fruit, your morning ritual should go a little something like this: wake up, squeeze a whole lemon into a warm glass of water, drink it before you consume anything else, then wait about 30 minutes before you have your breakfast, smoothie or coffee. This will help you fully receive the benefits of your morning citrus-fix – of which the best ones are listed below.

1. Cleanses your system.

There’s no need to resort to extreme fad detox diets to cleanse your system – a simple glass of lemon water will do the trick. It’ll help flush out toxins in your body by enhancing enzyme function and stimulating your liver. A fresh start to the day, indeed.

2. Jump-starts digestion.

Lemon water aids healthy digestion and gets your system working right for the day. It also helps to reduce those pesky and unpleasant side-effects of indigestion such as heartburn, burping and bloating.

3. Boosts your immune system.

There’s no better friend to your immune system than Vitamin C. And because lemons are full of it, your morning ritual of lemon water will help boost your immune system.

4. Skin love.

Lemons, magical lemons. They’re brimming with antioxidants, and as we know, antioxidants help to rescue your skin from blemishes – giving you a glow from the inside out.

sulfate free body wash next to lemons

5. Freshens your breath.

After brushing your teeth, lemon water can swoop right in and continue to help you achieve fresher breath. It also relieves toothaches and gingivitis. A true all-rounder.

6. Lifts energy levels.

Your body can get an instant energy boost when lemons enter your digestive tract – and not only that, but they are known to help decrease the symptoms of anxiety and depression by having a calming effect on your body.


So there you have it; lemon water is a simple and easy way to give your body a healthy start to the day. This one small practice can provide so many healthy benefits!


Please note, these tips are well known benefits and are not meant to replace medical advice of professionals.

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