Clean Living

Posted By Raw Sugar on September 21, 2021

What it means to live mindfully and intentionally.

You mean we have to think before we act? It’s a novel concept in a world where we tend to live our 24-7 lives on autopilot. We are on the go. We work from our phones, do business in the grocery aisles. We are stressed. We’ve traded slow cooking for fast food and grab products that can potentially be harmful to our bodies mind, soul and planet because they are convenient. Let’s all take a deep breathe.

What does Living Clean really mean? First, dis-engage from autopilot and make daily choices about your food, your lifestyle and your home mindfully. The urban dictionary defines living clean as “a life-style choice meaning nothing bad goes in, on or around you.” It’s a holistic approach that calls us to become conscious of ALL of our choices, connecting our body, mind and soul and adopting a do-no-harm, leave-a-small-carbon-footprint philosophy.

While living clean may mean different things to different people, there are some general principles that guide the movement.

Eat Clean. Put your focus on eating whole, fresh foods. Eliminate or limit processed, packaged and sugary foods. Limit alcohol intake. Drink lots of water. There’s a saying, “If it comes from a plant, eat it. If it comes from a processing plant, leave it.”

Read Labels. Become aware. Get some knowledge on what ingredients are unacceptable for you to put on your body, in your mouth and in your home.

Embrace Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Practices. Compost. Recycle. Repurpose. Grow something.

person holding chard
sulfate free hand wash therapy

Seek Companies That are Aligned Philosophically and Support Them. Your shopping power is your biggest voice. If we all stop buying harmful products, cleaner options will be made. Aligning with a company that also has a mission to help others in need is a great way to contribute to the world as well.

Keep a Clean Home. Get rid of toxic cleaning products that are bad for the planet and a potential health hazard to you.

Find Mental Space. Adopt a Spiritual Practice. Meditate, pray, do breath-work, yoga and keep a gratitude journal— anything that keeps you grounded, heart centered and clear minded.

person doing yoga in living room

Reduce Stress. Simplify. Edit your life so its easier to stay organized. Detoxify relationships. Create boundaries. Pare commitments down. The more mental space you have to remain present, the more likely you are to make conscious, clean decisions for yourself and your family. The more you are in survival mode, the more unconscious your actions become.

Keep a Clean Conscience. There is nothing better than being able to sleep at night because you showed up authentically, honestly, treated others with kindness, made good choices and maintained healthy boundaries. A clean conscience and a clear heart bring light into your life.

Love Yourself. Care. Truly care about the health of your body. The health of your mind and the health of your soul. Be your own biggest advocate and treat yourself with the respect that you deserve.

person relaxing with hair masque

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