Giving Tuesday + Everyday.

Posted By Raw Sugar on November 29, 2022

Plus, How to Give When You’re Out of Cash. 
collage of charity logos
It’s our mission to make the world a kinder, cleaner place, so Giving Tuesday has special meaning for us. It’s another day to give back to the people in our community and around the world that find themselves in need, and to give more to the causes that we partner with and support all year long. 
At Raw Sugar, our credo is kindness, respect, contribution and gratitude—and we are committed to empowering people and having a social impact. Above all, we believe that every person has the right to affordable clean, healthy self-care and clean water. To date, we have donated over 16 million bars of soap and other clean essentials to people in need and will continue to do so by investing our resources and partnering with non profit organizations like Eco Soap Bank - an organization that works to save, sanitize, distribute, and supply leftover soap. We are also happy to also partner with Water For People, whose mission is to provide the very thing we cannot live without — clean water for underserved communities across the world. On a global scale, did you know that there are 2.2 billion people do not have access to clean water? That's 1 in 3 people, . The impact Water For People is having on people's lives, health, and economy is life-changing. 

All that is possible because of you. Every time you purchase a Raw Sugar Product, it helps us continue our mission, give to these vital non-profits that are making an impact, and continue to lead with love. 

Ways to Give If you Can’t Donate Money.
If you want to help but aren't able to donate, there are other simple ways to contribute, not just on Giving Tuesday, but every day.  

Show Kindness. Simply giving someone a smile, an authentic compliment, a show of gratitude, or offering to help a neighbor with a chore are such simple things that have tremendous impact on the person on the receiving end. The added bonus: These simple, human expressions of kindness can in return make you feel good as well. 

Speak Encouraging Words. Words have a lasting effect on people’s heart. They can instantly uplift, inspire, give confidence, make someone feel loved and seen, and make a person feel like they matter. Challenge yourself to express words of encouragement, validation, and inspiration to three people every day and watch the ripple effect that it has on their heart and yours.  

Volunteer. Making your own commitment to give back to a cause you care about doesn’t have to be a second job. You can give as much time or as little as you can afford. The best thing to do is start small. Find an organization close to home that touches your heart and ask them what their needs are. Do the tasks you are able to and then see where it takes you.  

Giving back is one of the most fulfilling things in life and has a profound effect on your well being. It leads to social connection, happiness, and evokes more gratitude (the highest vibrational emotion) in your own life. 

So happy Giving Tuesday, and happy giving, everyday.

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