The New Year—a magical catalyst for change and motivator for transformation.
That time of year is here where we vow to throw out old habits and pick up positive new ones. Where we feel we have a clean slate and can turn over a new leaf.
If you’ve often made New Years’ resolutions that you haven’t quite kept, you’re not alone. Many of us overpromise ourselves with long lists and near-impossible tasks. But you can make positive life changes that WILL stick. It just takes a little bit of extra effort and persistence.
Follow these 5 steps to make successful New Years’ resolutions that will actually stick.
The start of a new year is the perfect time to make changes – because many other people around you will be doing the same thing. Talk to family and friends about how your respective resolutions are going – they’ll offer positive reinforcement and push you to keep going.
2. Set realistic goals
Set yourself up for success by setting realistic, step-by-step goals – rather than
just one great big one. That way, each small goal will be easier to achieve – and
every achievement will give you the encouragement and feeling of progress you
need to keep moving forward.
3. Anticipate obstacles
You’re going to have obstacles along your journey – that’s a given. Make a list of
what they could be so you have a plan on how to deal with them when they show up.
4. Failure is good!
If at first you don’t succeed, pick yourself up and try again. Failing sometimes is
inevitable – but it’s the way we react to failure that matters. Giving things another go after you fall will make you stronger, more resilient, and increase your chances of success in the long-run.
5. Give yourself a pat on the back
Plan to reward yourself for your progress and you’ll have an even greater
incentive to stick to your goals. But don’t just limit rewards to achievements, and
make it about effort instead. Treat yourself every time you don’t give up when you
easily could have and your probability of success will be incredible.