Manifesting Over Matcha 

Posted By Raw Sugar on December 08, 2022

matcha drink with notebook candles pens and flowers
A Morning Ritual To Set Daily Intentions.  
Instead of a list of resolutions for 2023, why not be the creator of your life and manifest over new daily rituals. Rituals are daily practices and consistent acts we do to bring peace, order and clarity to our life. The consistency of a ritual becomes your me-time, your deep breathe in the day and creates space for you to love on yourself and get your mind clear on what you want from life. Something we all need more of in the new year.  
Some of the most healing rituals are created in the morning hours, which is why we love manifesting over matcha. It is a simple, beautiful way to develop a peace-filled morning routine that you can combine with other practices such as mantras, meditation, breath work or journaling to help you manifest more of what you want out of life. You will be taking advantage of the most precious time of the day to focus your mind, envision your success, and set your intentions.
The key is to make your matcha with love and intention as opposed to rushing and sipping it on your way out the door. It is your opportunity to slow down and do this one simple, beautiful thing just for you. Plus, matcha is a healthy habit, as it is known to be full of antioxidants and other high vibrational ingredients. 
Create the intention of developing a 15 minute or more routine just for you. Whether you have to wake up early to find the peace before everyone else wakes up, or designate a favorite spot in the house or yard where you won’t be disturbed.  Be consistent with the time and place. 
Create a cozy environment. Add blankets, a beautiful candle, a stick of palo santo to clear energy, a book of mantras or other meaningful text, a deck of inspirational cards to pull from daily, or a journal for insights.  
Pick your favorite matcha. You can make your own, or there are a several that are barista style, ready to go to which you simply add hot water. 
• Make your matcha with love and intention. As you are preparing it, give your full attention to it. Notice every sound, every texture, and infuse the experience with gratitude for this time for yourself.  
• Light your candle or your palo santo. 
• Hold the cup gently in your hands and infuse it with love and a positive affirmation before you begin to sip. (see a list of affirmations and mantras below or create your own) 
• Breathe. Experience Taste. Listen. Be still.  
• You can either remain in stillness or engage in conscious breathing. Box breathing is a simple technique which is calming and renewing: simply breathing in for 4 seconds, hold for 4, release for 4 and observe for 4. Do it 4 times and notice the change in how you feel. This is especially helpful if your nervous system is taxed and you've been living in survival mode. 
• After a few minutes, do a check in with your body. Put your attention to your heart space and inquire as to if there is anything it is telling you. Do you feel light? Is there something you need to release? Put your hand on your heart and ask how it is today… listen for the answer. 
• If you want to combine any other practices, help manifest your desires by journaling. 1st, write three things you are grateful for and then 3 things that you would like to bring more of in your life.  Ask your self if there is anything that you need to release in order to make space for the new things to come in?
• Now close your eyes and visualize the things you want to bring into your life and at the same time, feel the emotion as if you already have these things in your life. It can be gratitude, love, joy, freedom, safety, peace, abundance, health, vibrancy etc. Continue to sit with your eyes closed, visualizing these things in your life and feeling the emotions of already having what you are asking for several minutes. As long as you can, until the emotions are filling you up and emanating from you. 
Finish your matcha and move on to your day with clarity for what you want and the peace that you started your day with intention and consciousness. Watch everything you want manifest as you continue your daily practice.  
Manifesting Mantras and Affirmations: 
I am at peace. Everything that is meant for me is already mine. 
I live in abundance. Wealth, and vibrant health comes to me easily. 
I lovingly release the negative energy from my past and invite new, light and love into my present. 
The world is blessing me with infinite love and all I need is flowing to me. 
I am open to receiving. Abundance flows to me and I easily receive as easily as I give. 
I am free to create the life I want. 
I am attracting the people, places and opportunities that manifest my goals. 
I am connected to and trust my inner voice to guide me to my highest state of being. 
I am a magnet for success. 
I give myself permission to prosper and grow. 
I release all resistance to attracting money and I am worthy or financial freedom and abundance. 
I release all resistance to being loved and giving love. I am free and worthy to receive love and am filled with light that shines from my heart.  

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