A New Year Message From Our Founder On Love, Letting Go, Gratitude + Success

Posted By Raw Sugar on December 22, 2022

Happy New Year, to our Sugar family.

As we move into the new year with excitement and enthusiasm for all that’s possible, I want to thank you all for being on this journey with us. Reflecting on this past year and the new year to come, thought I would share a few of my personal lessons on love, letting go, gratitude, and idea of success. The transition from old to new is the perfect time to take stock of where you stand, to reinvent, grow and create change. I hope you find some wisdom or inspiration as you reflect and create a new vision for your 2023. 


The founding of Raw Sugar was a personal journey for me — one of living my passion and the simple concept of LOVE — loving yourself and loving others. Love is the foundation of everything — it’s why we exist — and I hope it is LOVE that catapults you in to the new year and allow you to release whatever you may need to say goodbye to from 2022. This year was difficult for our world in many ways, but it’s my experience that the times we go through the hardest things in life are when we come out of the fire shining our brightest. Our company name was even founded on this premise… that sometimes you have to push through the RAW to get to the Sugar on the other side. So love yourself fearlessly and boldly. Love where you are in this moment and love all that is to come.

One of the most profound and practical things that I think we can do for our growth and moving forward into the new year is adopting a mindset of gratitude. Be thankful for everything in your life — whether good or bad, big or small. The magic and the messes, because gratitude flips the switch in your brain and when you recognize and focus on the good, more good comes to you. Shift your perspective and try and see problems as challenges, rejection as redirection — either you win or you learn. These mindset shifts, along with gratitude will change your life.

Letting Go.
Make space for the magic to happen. Take stock of people, stories and circumstances in your life and ask yourself “How does this serve me?” If something has served its purpose in your life, make the decision with to let go with love and kindness. Try and see the beauty of the lesson. We all know letting go is freaking hard. But, when you do let go of things that aren’t serving you, you send a message to the universe that you are ready for something better. Imagine the most fabulous version of yourself possible then LET GO of any part of you that doesn’t believe it!

Define what success means to you and enter the new year with intention. Success means different things for each one of us. For me, it’s not about the end goal because the end goals are always changing and moving. Success is the journey... and for me, it’s becoming the truest, most authentic, accomplished version of myself and having the courage and strength to be the boss of my own journey. It’s being completely comfortable in your own skin. It’s not about the pretty things that we accumulate and decorate our lives with, because that’s all temporary. But resiliency, meaningful connection, learning boundaries, shedding limiting beliefs and tuning into your own inner voice, intuition and ultimately your own power that are the foundations for real, personal success.

Every one of us has the opportunity to experience breakthroughs and show up in new ways. I invite you to tune in to the frequency of self love and reflect on what your personal idea of success looks and feels like. Be bold about creating it! If you think you can or you can’t — you are right. I’m asking you to embrace your most fabulous self and show up! Showing up for yourself with your unique qualities, inner beauty and talents is the one thing no-one can ever take from you and will help you step into your full power.

Happy New Year!
With Truth, Love + Sugar,
Donda Mullis

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