Self Care while Self Quarantined

Posted By Raw Sugar on April 06, 2020

More self-love. Practicing Self Care may seem like a given when you’re around the house all day, but if you’re focused on news and taking care of kiddos, it can be difficult to squeeze in or muster the energy to get out of your jammies and brush your hair, let alone take a shower. The psychological effect of being in isolation is hard. It takes incredible will and mindfulness to stay positive and productive in this unprecedented time. So how do we care for ourselves during a pandemic? I think we’re all figuring it out as we go, but here are a few suggestions that may help you in your quest to keep yourself peaceful, present, centered and cared for.

Keep a Schedule.

The most important thing you can do to care for your wellbeing is stick to some sort of routine or schedule. If you maintain healthy sleep patterns, exercise, work times and block out periods for self care you won’t get to the end of the day wondering where all the hours went. If you’re quarantining with kids, you can even give each person a block of time in solitude. Even if it’s a half hour. Everyone gets refreshed and is better able to handle a household if you are given a few minutes of peace.

Practice Meditation or Breathwork.

Some of the biggest brain boosts and mental health benefits come from meditation and breathwork. Both practices will ease the body, calm anxiety, increase happiness and help you find peace of mind. Meditating on, or repeating a positive mantra is also really helpful when you feel overwhelmed, such as “I am calm. I am safe and protected and I have everything I need.”

Treat Your Body.

Give yourself some serious love during this time and make taking care of your body a priority. Soak in healing, detoxifying baths, enjoy steamy showers, pack on some hair masques and moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. All the cleaning can leave your skin feeling dry so keep some deeply hydrating hand creams and body butters on hand to give yourself some lush, beautifully scented skin rejuvenation. Feeling clean and caring for yourself is a huge boost to your mood, self esteem and feeling of contentment.

Turn Off the News.

Being informed is one thing. Having the TV on 24-7 is rough psychologically and can really have a negative impact on your productivity, happiness and feeling of well being.

Make a point to get updates, but go about your day without the news and watch how your energy shifts to a more peaceful and positive place.

Give Yourself Grace.
Be kind to yourself because, OMG, the quarantine snacking struggle, low energy dips and moodiness is real. Give yourself so much grace right now whether you’re feeling sad, carb loading or just can’t check in to that online exercise class –it’s all okay.

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