The Ultimate Guide for Having a Healthy Fridge this Fall

Posted By Cherry Thongthavikiat on October 02, 2018

You might be observing the beautiful colors that the outdoors is serving up for fall, but how do you bring that fall feeling indoors? It’s time to restock and regroup. We’ve put together a quick guide to help you navigate the farmer’s markets or your local grocery store this season.

Shopping for produce that is in season means you’ll not only able to bask in that fall feeling at home, but it the produce is likely to be cheaper, because it is available in abundance. (Plus it’s likely to taste better too considering it’s been grown in optimal conditions!) Have a look at our top produce picks for your fridge for this season:


  • Apples – Harvested from late summer, through fall, you’ll find the juiciest time to enjoy apples is right now!
  • Beets – Although they may be available year-round, beets are at their best in the fall. Identify fresh beets by their greens, the more it stays attached, the fresher.
  • Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, and Kale – Tis’ the season for the cabbage family! Brussel Sprouts grow on a stalk, so if you see them sold this way, make sure you snatch them up, as they are bound to be fresh! For Cabbage and Kale, the cooler the weather, the sweeter it tends to taste! It’s the perfect time to make cabbage based stews and dishes!
  • Cranberries – It’s the peak period where this nutrient-rich fruit reaches its perfect color and delicious taste, just in time to grace tables across the country for Thanksgiving.
  • Eggplant – Although the vegetable tends to come to season towards the end of summer, Eggplants also grow well from early to mid fall. Look for bright, shiny and heavy-feeling picks to ensure freshness!
  • Figs – Known for their strong production in the summer, Figs also have a short, second season in late fall – just in time for Thanksgiving! Perfect to for making some delicious fruit cakes or homemade jam!
  • Garlic – Who knew Garlic had a season? Fresh garlic is best identified by its plumpness – the plumper the clove the sweeter the taste!
  • Grapes – Grapes hit their peak season at the end of summer, but continue to stay juicy and sweet well into fall. Don’t miss out on them!
  • Pomegranates – The antioxidant-filled fruit only ripens in warmer weather, and are perfect following summer. The tasty seeds swell up with its trademark juices that are perfect as a garnish on fall dishes or on their own!
  • Pumpkins and Squash – A classic and a goodie, Pumpkins and Squash are the perfect fall roasted vegetable and are available well into winter (and don’t forget, for Halloween!)
  • Sweet Potatoes – Also sold as ‘Yams’, Sweet Potatoes are the perfect roasted vegetable next to pumpkin. They also store well over the winter months.
There you have it! Some amazing and healthy fruits and vegetables that are perfect to stock up on during this early fall season!


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