Raw Stories - the0nlyariana

Posted By Raw Sugar on November 23, 2020

Sharing Raw Stories is a way for us to connect, acknowledge the beauty, strength and perseverance involved in every journey. We hope these stories enlighten, inspire and encourage you as you walk your own path and help you to know that you are never alone.

What is your Raw Story?

Living with Epidermolysis Bullosa, or better known as EB has brought to me scars that affected the way people treated me. It affected the way I felt coming back home from a day out, feeling like I’d never be able to fit in. My skin is as fragile as a butterfly wing, I can easily tear my skin with the slightest touch. My skin blisters everyday due to the lack of collagen 7 that holds the two layers of skin together. Because of the seriousness of this condition, most of my body is wrapped in bandages. Scars and bandages have been part of my daily life and although it’s gotten me into the darkest mindset, it’s now motivated me to speak out and let the future generations know that it’s okay to look “different” amongst societies norms of what’s beautiful and what “is not.” It is important to break the beauty standards by sharing our truth. By portraying scars and physical differences as something powerful and beautiful. Our unique bodies are not something to be ashamed of but rather proud of as they have brought us to where we are now.


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