Summer is slowly coming to an end, and it’s no secret that getting back into study mode after a semester break can be one big rush and quite stressful. Here are 5 tips to get back-to-college ready and feel motivated and positive about it, too!
1. Get Healthy – Go through your cupboards and get rid of anything that isn’t good for the soul. Once this is done find where the closest Farmer’s Market is to your campus and get ready to fill your fridge with nutritional goodness to help prevent unhealthy snacking. Don’t forget to also get active! You may be young and healthy now, but to keep that up, you’ll need to throw away your bad habits. Exercising and eating well for your overall well being will help you mentally and physically. You’ll even be able to focus more during those classes that seem so long. Make an effort to analyze your lifestyle choices and identify what you can change to make them better. Your body will thank you for it later! Get active, de-stress, take time for you…Whatever it is, do not forget about taking care of yourself, it will make those long study sessions a whole lot easier and stress-free
2. Personal Care – Take note of where your local Target is located and prepare to stock up on healthy products for your Personal, Beauty + Hair care regimen. They have a great supply of affordable and accessible products – Like Raw Sugar! It is important to get into the habit of using healthy products daily. College life can be busy, so you’ll need to shop for yourself before the school year starts. Make sure you buy enough of your favorite products like Raw Sugar’s Body Washes and Hand Washes! Your skin will thank you.
3. Get Organized – Time to re-evaluate your college schedule and put in some strict organization routines. Getting organized will reduce levels of stress and help break down tasks that may seem overwhelming. Simple actions, such as coordinating study sessions, stocking up on healthy snacks ahead of time, sticking to an exercise routine, creating a healthy skin care regimen – All of these examples and more are great ways to create the perfect environment to maximize your time on and off campus.
4. Develop Good Habits – As the old saying goes: “It’s never too late to change your ways”. College is the perfect time to create and develop good habits! Eating healthy is not the only habit that is great to start implementing in college, but other important habits include: Getting to bed earlier, exercising (even if it’s 30 mins per day), keeping your room and study area tidy and keeping in touch with loved ones. Adopting good habits will make life easier. Put in the hard work now for a happier future tomorrow.
5. Have Balance – Balance is the key to a happy and healthy life! It’ll ensure good health, because your mental and physical health is pivotal to your growth, and it also reflects on all aspects of your life, especially your studies. Keeping a healthy balance of the activities you partake in, helps to ensure your growth as an individual and secures your mental peace and well being. What are some things you can do to keep some balance in your life? Easy, remind yourself to take time out for you, eat yummy but healthy, get enough rest, and have time for friends and loved ones!
These are some great steps to help you be “back-to-school” ready. You can never be too prepared!