5 Ways ‘Pamper Me Time’ Can Improve Your Life and Well Being Today

Posted By Cherry Thongthavikiat on May 04, 2018

Here are some reasons why you should pamper yourself:

1. Uplifts Your Mood

When we are well rested and have spent time with ourselves, the serotonin (also known as happiness hormones) are activated and immediately improves your mood. Having some pamper time also means your physical looks are enhanced and / or polished. Feeling good from the inside to the out is so uplifting. When is your next pamper day scheduled?


2. Improves Productivity

Did you know regular pamper sessions can improve your productivity? That’s right, because you’re so relaxed from getting pampered, your mind and body also relaxes. You literally get a mental break from the craziness in your life. This overall helps you re-focus and reconnect with daily tasks, making you feel ready to take on the world.


3. Reduces Stress

When we stress less our memory, focus and overall brain functions improve. Thanks to having time to pamper yourself, can enjoy these benefits.


4. Stay Youthful

Researchers have said that regular pampering sessions can help to slow the aging process. Why? Because you are taking the time to upkeep your appearance and with all the other wonderful benefits of getting pampered can bring. Not just for your outside but for your whole well being.


5. Improves Relationships

The old saying goes you can’t really love someone until you love yourself. Loving yourself, your body and giving yourself ‘me time’ improves your relationship with yourself, in turn, this will help you with your other relationships as they all mirrors of your own self. Get some #Rawlovin Sugar to reap the rewards.

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