Self Worth: 5 Simple Ways to Start Believing in Yourself.

Posted By Raw Sugar on April 30, 2018

Celebrating yourself will leave you feeling happy, energized and full of life. Our favorite saying goes: ’Believe you deserve it and the universe will serve it’.

Here a 5 simple ways you can start today...

1. Celebrate the Positives

A positive mental attitude will benefit your health, longevity and quality of life. We actually have a great tip for starting this! A positive attitude is the quickest way to believing in yourself, so every morning, call out 3 things you love about yourself and repeat them several times out loud. This will teach your brain to focus on all the amazing traits that you love about yourself. Doing this will also set the tone for your day, making it a great one, everyday!


2. Achievements

Look back at all your accomplishments in life (big or small) and acknowledge your growth and how far you’ve come. You never know what you can achieve until you try, right? Well, that all comes from you. Yes, you! You are the most powerful when you believe in yourself. Looking back at your life achievements helps you see your greatness and reflect on all the times you thought you couldn’t do it but did!


3. Set Goals

Setting goals for yourself (long or short term) is a another positive way to start the process of believing in yourself. It could be absolutely anything! You’ll feel great once you take steps in the direction of these goals. Once goals are set, the self-belief process begins. Now go back to step 2 and focus on all the positive accomplishments you’ve done already, to get you mentally ready for your new achievements.


4. Self- Compassion

Being kind to yourself and nurture your emotions, body, spirit in the same way you would a close friend/people you deeply care about. This will improve so many important elements in your life including your mental equilibrium. As you practice the art of self love and self compassion you reduce the risks of depression, anxiety, feeling tired, etc. You will also feel an urge to spread love and kindness, attracting more and more positive into your life. So, don’t be so hard yourself Sugar, treat yourself the way you would treat a loved one.


5. Give Yourself Credit and Rewards

Yes! treat yourself! You deserve it Sugar. Rewarding your success, good behavior and achievements will only reinforce it and help you continue the positive cycle. Giving yourself a ‘nurturing reward’ refocuses the real purpose of the reward to be loving, respectful and again, re-iterates and reinforces your good behavior.
Reprogramming your attitude and thoughts can take time, start small and take it step by step. Remember to take it easy on yourself we believe in you and the time to start believing in yourself is now!

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