Question: what are you doing right now? Are you on the train going work? Indulging in a snack on the couch? Sitting on a park bench waiting for a friend?
Well, here’s the good news – any of those seemingly mundane everyday moments can easily be transformed into meaningful meditation time.
With the gazillion things we have to do in our hectic modern-day lives, it may seem difficult (or in some cases, impossible) to find time for mindfulness. But, alas, never fear – we’ve done some digging and found six simple ways to sneak a spot of meditation into the everyday. Because a peaceful state of mind should never be too far away.

1. Make the most of your commute
Put your morning commute to good use and start the day with a clear mind by meditating while you travel. Whether you catch the bus or train, drive, or walk into work or school – there are a bunch of great mindfulness apps you can listen to that will help you switch off and get lost in mantras and affirmations.
2. Why wait when you can meditate?
We all have that one friend (or client… or partner… ) who just can’t seem to help but turn up 15 minutes after schedule… every time. Instead of wasting time scrolling through social media or texting, try meditation instead. Put in your ear buds, listen to some soothing music, and be transported to another, much more calm, horizon. Then, when your companion finally does arrive – you’ll give them a smile instead of an eye-roll.

3. Stay in bed
Who’d have thought snoozing your alarm and staying in bed longer in the mornings could be good for you? It can! Squeeze the most out of your morning glory and take a few moments to think about the day ahead, consider your thoughts and feelings, and envision your ideal 24 hours ahead. Observe these barely-conscious thoughts and we promise you’ll kick your day off to a sublime start.
4. Snack time for the senses
Here’s one your going to love! As if we needed another reason to snack, right?! Next time you catch yourself wandering over to the fridge to grab your coconut ice-cream, make a conscious effort to be mindful during your wee indulgence. Focus on the enjoyment and sensations you feel while eating it – how does it feel on your lips, tongue, throat? Mindful eating is a an ancient practice, as well as a great way to express gratitude for our food.
5. Shower power
Practicing presence in the shower can have great effects. Most people like to think in the shower – it’s often the one part of our day we feel we’re getting some ‘me-time’. Breathe, be present, and observe the sensations of hot water on your body. Bonus points if you add some essential oils into the mix.
6. Bring on the chores!
You can always add a little awareness into physical everyday activities like cooking, vacuuming or doing the dishes. Feel the warm water over your hands receive while you wash dishes. Focus on the smells of vegetables as you chop them. It’s that simple.