Top 5 Pantry Foods that Double as Natural Cleaners

Posted By Raw Sugar on October 18, 2017


If you often end the week with a fridge full of vegetables that hasn’t been touched and bowl full of fruit you haven’t eaten – you’re not alone. In fact, around 25% of our total grocery shop ends up in the trash. That means that almost a quarter of all foodstuffs we buy go to waste.

But, alas, there is a solution. Why not turn uneaten foods into natural cleaning products? Aside from minimizing waste, this strategy has other benefits too. 

(Please note these are products that can help clean, but do not replace products made for specific surfaces/tough to clean stains.)

Without further ado, here are our top 5 options for at home cleaning.

1. Lemon

With its medley of antiseptic and antibacterial properties, lemon has the natural strength to kill germs and even remove stains. Their high acidity levels mean they can also act as a bleaching agent – so they’re perfect for brightening up bathroom and kitchen tiles. Mix lemon juice with water to form mother nature’s ultimate cleanser and use it to wash dishes, surfaces and wipe off stains.

2. Vinegar

Much like lemon, vinegar is high in acidity – so it’s powerful in killing germs and warding off nasty bacteria. Simply mix one part vinegar to two parts water in a large spray bottle, and there you have it – a brand new, healthy and natural surface cleaner. For really tough cleaning, just use it straight out of the bottle.

3. Banana peel

Here’s one that might surprise you; banana peel! Instead of tossing your banana peel into the trash, make a beeline for the cutlery drawer. Simply blend the skins with a little bit of water to form a paste and use it to polish your silverware – we promise you it’ll be shinier than ever.

4. Tea bags

Tea is full of tannins, which means it’s super effective in polishing wooden surfaces like cabinets and floors. Just make sure you allow them to cool first. BONUS: If you want to keep your fridge smelling fresh and clean, keep some Green Tea leaves inside it to eliminate any nasty odors!

5. Salt

Got some scrubbing to do? Reach for the salt. Salt works really well as an abrasive cleaner – use it to remove gunk from pans, showers, and floors. When you mix salt with a little bit of water, however, you crate a saline solution that works really well to remove stains from the carpet and clothes.


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