Am I Living Consciously?

Posted By Raw Sugar on September 01, 2022

When you ask yourself if you’re living a conscious lifestyle, you might want to dive into the meaning of the term. By definition, Webster’s take on consciousness is an awareness of one's own existence, sensations, thoughts and surroundings. It’s an awareness of something for what it is, and also, an internal knowledge, recognition and mindfulness.

Journal with tea and monarch butterflies

It simply means that you are not living on autopilot. That you’re not allowing circumstances or other people determine your path, but rather that you are aware of the choices you’re making, and the actions you’re choosing. It is introspection, then acting on your choices with purpose and intent. 

So how can I get there? For a lot of people, some kind of catastrophic life event can be the catalyst for their awakening. For others, it may be that you see someone else living their life with a kind of focus and freedom you wish you had. Regardless of how you get there, the first step to your own awakening is reflection and introspection. Look at all the areas of your life and ask yourself questions. Get in touch with your dreams, values and goals and then see if you are living a life that aligns with them. How are you treating others? How are you treating yourself? How are you spending your time? Who are you spending time with? What are you doing to move your life closer to your goals? Do you have a daily routine? Do you prioritize yourself and your needs? Are you eating foods that create health and happiness or are you just grabbing what’s quick and available?

A key for living consciously is to make self reflection part of your daily routine. Get a journal, and start keeping track of your thoughts and actions and see if they line up with how you’re living your life. Make goals, and add steps you need to get you there. Make journaling part of your morning routine, or a pre-bedtime ritual. Writing things down is a powerful manifestation tool as well. It helps you get very clear on what you actually DO want in your life so you can then create opportunities and moments to make those things happen. 

Every decision you make should align with your values. Every action you take should align with your purpose. You may not always choose the right thing, but you will become aware and awareness is the first step toward change.

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