Why you need one now.
Do you wake up, grab your phone while you’re still in bed, start scrolling, check emails and find that several cat videos later, an hour has evaporated? Cue the mad rush to get up, get showered and get to work with a side of feeling overwhelmed. If that’s how your morning goes, you’ve put your priorities aside and your day is spent reacting, rather than beginning with purpose.
Refining your morning routine is one of the quickest and easiest ways to level up your productivity, your focus, and your life. All it takes is a desire to level up: intention, and consistency — the two most important words you’ll ever put into practice to propel yourself into greatness. After all, the best way to predict your future is to create it. And creating begins the moment you open your eyes.
Be Intentional. First, set aside the time, set your alarm, and forget the snooze button. Robin Sharma, author of the 5 AM Club suggests that owning your morning elevates your life by setting one hour aside in the morning to spend in three 20-minute segments. He recommends spending the first 20 minutes on movement for physical wellbeing, then, 20 minutes on self-reflection, meditation and connecting with yourself on a spiritual level and the last 20 minutes on personal growth or mastery with reading and learning from today’s masters. The benefit of this approach is that it fosters a balanced state of being as opposed to working on just one area, such as getting a workout in, spiritual study, or mindset alone. Instead, you are creating whole-self, mind/body/spirit alignment.
Be Consistent. As the saying goes, you are what you repeatedly do. The small victories you create every day will add up to big results. Showing up consistently and having small daily wins are a catalyst for more confidence, self-worth and peace that may resonate through your entire day and your entire life.
The morning ritual is really about driving personal growth and creating daily habits to get the most out of your life. Without it, you are only as good and focused as your day and all demands allow you to be. If you are ready to elevate your vibes, your knowledge, and how you show up in the world, start now. Here are a few ideas for you to craft a morning routine you’ll come to cherish and protect for a deeper sense of wellbeing.

20 Minutes of Movement: Keep it simple so it’s something you can easily do every day.
- Take a walk or alternate walking and jogging if you want more intensity
- Yoga
- Simple Stretching Foam Roller Exercises (We love Taller, Slimmer, Younger by Lauren Roxburgh)
- HIT, Kettle Bell, or other quick workouts using body weight alone if you want a higher level of fitness

20 Minutes of Spirituality + Self Reflection:
- Meditate use a guided meditation app, or meditate on your own with a technique you learned during your growth period.
Manifest, reflect on what you want to bring into your life and spend time visualizing and feeling what that life feels like.

- Keep a Gratitude List, not just for what you are thankful for today, but for what is to come into your life as well. Thanking the universe for what is to come helps raise your energetic vibration to set intentions and write yourself encouraging notes to leave around the house.
20 Minutes of Learning/Personal Growth
- Read
- Listen to Podcasts
- Watch online classes or get into talks from today’s experts on TedTalk, MindValley, Gaia and more.