Do Good, Feel Good - How to Make a Positive Impact

Posted By Raw Sugar on August 21, 2019

Do good. Feel Good.

How to make a positive impact.

What does it mean to “do good?” Any unselfish act you participate in that benefits another human being is doing good. It can be as simple as holding a door for someone, volunteering for a beach clean-up, picking up groceries for an elderly neighbor or as involved as weekly mentoring. Whatever it is, the impact you have when you do good reaches far beyond the actual act itself.

When you do good, it does YOU good as well. It improves not only your psychological health, but your physical health too. Think of it as a karmic domino effect of good vibes.

So how do you begin having a positive impact? Start with what you know and go from there. Look at your community and what you’re passionate about. Starting close to home can give you a real live view of the impact you have.

Work is another place you can do good. Oftentimes, resources at companies are something you can tap in to. As an example, Raw Sugar Living decided from the start that doing good would be part of its company culture. The mantra “Lead with Love” is a rallying cry for acts of kindness in which the whole company participates. Their give-back mission, The Raw Sugar Initiative, donates a fresh bar of soap to a person in need for every product sold. Simple concept, amazing results. Over 5 million bars of soap have been donated based on the simple premise that everyone deserves to feel clean and fresh no matter what their economic situation.

Aside from what it does for the recipient of your good deed, helping others is a step toward creating your own happiness, inside and out. It releases positive emotions in you, can reduce stress, boost your immune system, help your body fight against disease and may even help you live longer. Now that’s a positive impact. You see, kindness really does matter.

A few simple ways you can do good.

  • Volunteer
  • Mentor
  • Sign up to help a worthy cause
  • Donate resources you may have
  • Participate in random acts of kindness

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