Eat and Glow - The Best Foods to Eat For Skin Hydration. 

Posted By Raw Sugar on March 27, 2023

Your skin is one of the first places that you might notice the effects of dehydration. Thirsty skin tends to lose its glow, feels dry, and can highlight fine lines you didn’t even know you had. As the largest organ in your body, your skin can show clues about your internal biology long before anything else. Think about how you look after a night of no sleep, too much drinking, or even a sugar binge. Your face can be the first place you’ll see the evidence.   
To keep skin glowing, sleep and hydration are the two non-negotiables. Protect and get your 8 hours of snooze, drink lots of water, and then consider filling your fridge with foods that feed your skin instead of depleting your skin.  
As a general rule, the more antioxidant and vitamin power in a food, the better it is for your skin. Foods with Omega 3’s should be first on your list to try to incorporate, including salmon, mackerel, sardines, pecans, flax seeds, walnuts, chia, olive oil, pumpkin seeds, soybeans, eggs, spinach, papaya, and brussels sprouts.  
According to Medical News Today, there are some great additions to your diet to help protect your skin as well as moisturize it. Their list includes kiwi fruit, sunflower seeds, sweet potato, 
sweet red peppers, oats, soy and almond milk, oysters, avocado, banana, cod liver oil, yellowfin tuna, turmeric, and baked beans.  
Lastly, foods with high water content help give you an added boost of hydration as well. Think melons that are typically 90% water like watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew. Strawberries, pineapple, peaches, oranges, broccoli, and celery all have high water content as well. 

And don't forget with all the good, there are some to avoid if you want your best skin. The top foods to avoid are sugary foods, processed foods, fried foods and alcohol which can deplete your body of much needed hydration and add to inflammation.  

Now that you know, let's get glowing!  

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