We Stand For Self Love + Women Empowerment 

Posted By Raw Sugar on March 30, 2023

A word about women in honor of Women’s History Month. 
We believe this world is a better place when we lift each other up and support each other with words of encouragement and acts of woman kindness. We set aside female competition and envy because we believe the universe provides infinite abundance and there is enough goodness to go around. It’s often been said of our Co-Founder, Donda Mullis, that she uses her light to ignite the candle of other women in her life… and as she does so, her light doesn’t dim, but the glow expands. Oprah famously quoted James Keller when she proclaimed, "a candle loses nothing by lighting another". 
Sharing this light is where the idea of Sugar Notes began. Real, raw, simple acts of encouragement on every bottle we make. Part of our mission statement that says “We see humanity in imperfection and beauty in being real. We stand for kindness, respect, contribution and gratitude — and believe every that every person has the right to affordable, clean, healthy self care. Our mission is to love from the outside in. To live with purpose and passion. To inspire a deeper love of self. We embrace individuality. Celebrate authenticity. Encourage reckless acts of self-care and kindness.”
Eco Soap Bank
It’s this part of our mission that connects us so deeply to the women in our world and one of our community partners, Eco Soap Bank. Eco Soap Bank is a non profit organization that improves hygiene and sanitation in developing countries while empowering women. By recycling old soap, sanitizing it and repurposing it for our communities, they not only have an impact on the health of our planet, but have positively impacted the lives of women by providing jobs and purpose.
In honor of Women’s History Month and the women that came before us and helped give us a brighter future, we will we continue our mission of spreading the message of self care and giving back in hopes that your candle is lit so you can share your light with the world. 

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