Healthy Halloween Tricks to Make The Holiday Happier

Posted By Raw Sugar on October 20, 2023

Are you ready to revel in the enchanting magic of Halloween? The leaves are falling, the air is crisp, and kids everywhere are buzzing with excitement about their costumes and the epic candy haul they're about to embark on. But as parents, this spooky celebration can also turn into a chaotic rush, leaving us feeling like we're herding a pack of sugar-crazed zombies. So, how do we strike a balance between fun and health during this frightful frenzy? We’ve gathered a few bewitching tips for pre and post trick-or-treating adventure to help make this Halloween healthier and happier for you and your little monsters. 

Pre-Trick-or-Treating Prep:  


1. Start The Day Clean:
Bundle up some of the RAW Kids Monster Bunch friends for your kids and give these fun bubble buddies to them at breakfast. It not only lends excitement for the day ahead, but shows that not all treats are food related. They can look forward to the post trick or treating bath and may even want to come in early for it. Plus, Raw Sugar kids products are cruelty free and dermatologist tested! 
2. Dress-Up Efficiency:
The mad dash to get everyone dressed up, made up and camera ready makes it harder to enjoy this holiday. Lay out costumes the night before and have a little dress rehearsal. You'll avoid the pre-trick-or-treat drama and get some adorable photos to boot.
3. Eat before You Go Knocking:
Before the candy craziness ensues, ensure your little pumpkins have a hearty, healthy meal and are already satisfied. Some lean protein, and veggies will keep their tummies content and their energy more stable. 
4. Kind Candy Alternatives:
Let's spread kindness, not just cavities! Consider offering small treasures like trinkets, stickers, one of our fizzy bath bombs dressed up as a ghost or even an encouraging Sugar Note! Print an affirmation on a card to hand out. You never know who will see it and take it to heart. 
5. The Less Sweet Treats
Go with the lesser of two evils… Hand out treats with fewer artificial additives and preservatives and less added sugar. Some relatively healthier choices include Fruit Snacks made with real fruit and no added sugars. A small pack of nuts and organic gummy candies. No “treat” will be perfect, but every good decision is worth it. 
6. Make a Candy Pact. 
Have a discussion before you embark on the quest for candy on how much can be consumed. Setting limits and agreeing before hand establishes boundaries, empowers your kids with clear guidelines and helps avoid arguments on the spot. 
Trick-or-Treating Tips:
7. Hydration Station:
Set up a hydration station along your trick-or-treat route in the neighborhood with water or unsweetened, spookily themed drinks. It'll keep your little adventurers refreshed and prevent them from reaching for sugary sodas. It’s a nice meeting point for parents too. 
8. Limit the Loot:
We all know that too much of anything isn't a good thing. If you set your candy limit earlier, now you can encourage your little pumpkins to trade some of their goodies for healthier snacks or exciting trinkets. Teaching them about balance is a valuable lesson.

Post-Trick-or-Treating Chill:  

9. Calming Bath Ritual:
After the costume chaos and candy conquests, a warm bath can work wonders. You can still keep the fun going with our Monster Crew to help them calm down, relax and release the high-octane emotions from the day. 
10. Stick to the Routine:
Don't let the bewitching hour disrupt your child's sleep schedule. Ensure they have their regular bedtime story and tuck them in with love. A well-rested ghoul is a happy ghoul, after all.
Halloween is a time for laughter and boo-tiful memories. By weaving these healthier habits into your festivities, you can transform this night into a magical and health-conscious adventure.

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