Sweet Options for a Candy Free Halloween 

Posted By Raw Sugar on October 24, 2022

Let’s face it. Sugar doesn't have a great rep. We’re always hearing about the effects sugar can have on our bodies when we over do it, and are trying our best to limit the sugar highs and lows whenever possible. Halloween is notoriously sugar-centric and the one holiday where the entire goal is to acquire as much candy as possible. In some cases — pillowcases full! In an effort to support the parents out there that want to avoid the sugar crashes, here are some ideas to make Halloween sweet — without the sugar. 
Sweet Ideas: 
  1. Give Sugar Notes. Take a cue from our Founders (if you haven’t noticed, we have sugar notes on every package) A Sugar Note is an uplifting statement that makes the reader feel good and is an uplifting message. Why not have your son or daughter write everyone in their class a sugar note and fold it up for the candy exchange at school? Or, print a page of sugar notes, fold them out and pass them out instead of candy. 
  2. DIY Some Fizzy Ghosts! Buy a few bags of our Fizzy Bath Bombs, open the package and wrap each ball in a white napkin, tying a bow under the ball.  Draw eyes on it and put a gift tag on to give them away as party favors or special treats. Make sure to add a bath bomb tag so people are aware if what you're gifting, just to be safe. 
Sweet Treats: 
Here are a list of fun products to give instead of candy. 
  • Orange Cuties with pumpkin faces drawn on them. 
  • Fizzy bath bomb ghosts (see above) 
  • One or more of our RAWR Monsters Bubble Bath + Body Washes, Shampoo + Conditioners, Lotions, or Bath Fizzers
  • Our Natural Lip Balm in 5 fun flavors (it's even 95% organic!)
  • Fake mustache stickers!
  • Glow sticks or glow bracelets (super practical for parents to be able to keep an eye out on their kiddos too!)
  • Spider/Halloween theme rings or bracelets 
  • Halloween themed keychains
  • Mini flashlights 
  • Spooky coloring books + neon crayons 
  • Halloween sticker packs 
  • Fun vampire fangs 
  • Healthier food options like Yum Earth Gummy Bears, Fruit Leathers or dried fruit and nut packs. 

    This year, make it about the fun alternatives and take the focus off the sugar!

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