You Don’t Need a Gym To Move More

Posted By Raw Sugar on January 27, 2023

Woman cleaning kitchen and woman doing yoga and on her phone
Here are 10 ideas on how to incorporate more movement in your day. 
Want to move more but don't want the time and financial obligation of a gym? You're not alone. So many people fall off the gym wagon because of the time, cost and unavailability. If you’re looking for ways to get more organic movement in your days, whether at home or in less time, while connecting with yourself, we've put together 10 simple ways to foster activity, productivity and a positive mindset. Remember, small daily wins can add up to big victories. The key to seeing results is simply consistency.  

1. Make walking meditation part of your routine. If you find you have to forego mindful activities like meditation due to schedule constraints, combine the two! Walking meditation is all about bringing awareness to the breath and being present, just like sitting meditation, walking meditation has the same mental benefits with the added bonus of moving and getting daily sunlight. 
2. Get a rebounder for the house. Rebounders are mini trampolines that you can keep in the house and provide amazing health benefits.  Goldie Hawn at the age of 76, is a big fan of "rebounding". Even just a few minutes on a rebounder can help drain your lymphatic system and help open up drainage pathways in your body as well as boost your mood, help improve balance all while being easier on your joints. 
3. 2 minutes a day power posture! This is especially good if you work at a computer all day. Take a 2 minute break during the day to stand in a power position with your arms raised above your head in a V formation, aka victory posture— like you’ve just won a race. Just two minutes has shown to potentially raise confidence, lower cortisol, improve posture, energize, invigorate the nervous system, release tension, lengthen the spine and help improve balance. Watch the Ted Talk on power posturing here.
4. Add movement while you cook. While the rice is simmering, do a set of squats. Use your kitchen counter as a ballet bar while you watch over the dinner in the oven. Do lunges to the table while you set the table. You’ll be amazed at the amount of reps you can get it while you’re simply cooking dinner! 
5. Take a dance break. Put on your favorite song that makes you happy and dance to it. The beauty of dancing is that you need zero equipment, you can do it anywhere and when you really allow yourself to let go, it can help release emotions and create flow or energy in your body and boost your mood. There are also weight loss and flexibility benefits
6. Park farther from your destinations and take the stairs. Get those steps in however you can. 
7. Do your own gardening. Do your own sweeping, digging and planting. It not only moves your body, but connects you to the earth. 
8. Clean your house purposefully. When you need to clean, do it with the awareness of how you’re moving your body. Sweeping, vacuuming, dusting all can be done while contracting your abs, stretching and squatting with purpose to burn more calories while you clean and declutter!  
9. Do a high intensity micro workout. Small High Intensity Interval Training HIIT can be done at home or anywhere and there is scientific evidence on all the benefits of a HIIT workout and how it can positively affect your health. It means you don’t need an hour at the gym, you just need small bursts of maximum effort to see results, sometimes in as little as 7-10 minutes. 
10. Make the first half hour of TV time, dumbbell time. When everything is done for the night and you settle in to watch a movie or your favorite show, grab a pair of lightweight dumbbells that are simple to store in any room and work your arms, shoulders, back and even throw in a few sumo squats and side bends. Simple, easy and the results add up. 

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